aka the wallet diet

New parts…February

March 2nd, 2008 Pierre

I got some parts in February. All I need is time.

I ordered a clutchnet clutch


Center support bearing, flex disc, clutch slave cylinder, clutch master cylinder, Bosch red coil, and 740 motor mounts, voltage regulator, e24 tranny mounts.


BMA Short Shift Kit and 0.50 oversized rod bearings



What the? Two scary things found while replacing bearings

March 2nd, 2008 Pierre

1.  Before I even touched the rod bolts to remove them, there were noticeable tooling marks.  This means that they were reused or badly marred when installed.  I’m thinking it’s the first.

2.  The oil pump sprocket nut was stripped and also the wrong one!

Good thing I decided to change the pump.

A month has passed, got many parts, replaced rod bearings

March 2nd, 2008 Pierre

Yesterday I continued with my rod bearing installation. I had started two weeks prior with the 3 easiest sets (1,2, 4), but the #3 looked tough and my arms were tired-I took a break. #3 was finally finished yesterday. Everything went smooth, except for the iffy angle torquing without an angle gauge! I did the best job possible, and I think it was ok considering I doubled as a contortionist under the car. We’ll see in a few months when I get on the revs. 🙂 No bang=good job. The oil pump was also installed with a new sprocket and nut; but the chain has too much slop and I need more shims. Oil pump install officially on hiatus.

Today I read some archive posts discussing rod bearing replacement on s14.net, whether its proper s14 maintancence or just a quick fix “peace of mind” procedure. There were good arguments for both sides and I’m not quite sure where I stand. It’s only natural to think if the bearings are worn, change them. But, don’t worn bearings mean worn everything else?

In my case, my bearing replacement was done due to the car sitting for many years. Old oil can corrode bearings. Upon removal my bearings were indeed scarred. Debris in oil or pitting? I really don’t know. My procedure was done as a repair, not maintenance, even though it didn’t start that way.

My rod bearing clearances were between 0.065-0.85 mm. Now they are between 0.04-0.05. Spec is 0.03-0.07.

Here is a before and after view of journal 3 with green plastigage:

As you can see the first picture shows much greater clearance in the center. The second picture shows the plastigage with a nice even and wide measurement of 0.040-0.05 mm.
Considering changing your bearings? Here’s some help.

S14 Service Manual and Rebuild Data

February 2nd, 2008 Pierre

S14 service manual and rebuild data has been added to this blog. Look at the right menu, there you will see links to the service manual and it’s subunits; and also an S14 rebuild data table.

Got my injectors back today!

February 1st, 2008 Pierre

The 3 day turnaround was unexpected even though RC Engineering touts it. Awesome service. Here are the after pics…

Here’s the spec and data sheet that shows before and after characteristics.

Off they go! Sayonara injectors…

January 28th, 2008 Pierre

So tonight I quickly went down to the garage; plucked, then packed my dirty ol’ injectors. They’ll be sent off to RC Engineering in Torrance, CA for a cleaning. Here are some before shots:


Adding a repository to this blog –>

January 28th, 2008 Pierre

M3 files like the service manual and homologation papers are being uploaded.  Feel free to download and add files from the FTP link.


Ordered my SSK today from BMA

January 26th, 2008 Pierre

They didn’t have it in stock, so I ordered it on the spot. I went in person. Great prices!


BMA SSK uses the Z3 shifter to shorten the throws.

Pictures My Nogaro M3

January 26th, 2008 Pierre


Tamiya kit still available

Merc 190 2.3 16 also available

This Weekend?

January 25th, 2008 Pierre

What should I work on this weekend? I’m still waiting for my undersized rod bearings…

  • Install my 6er tranny mounts?
  • Remove my tranny, install the CR unit?
  • Install my 3.64 diff for the CR
  • veg out the weekend scratching my rear? It’s raining.